It's been a crazy week!
Addie has had a cold for almost two weeks now, and Alex picked it up about a week ago. Nothing out of the ordinary for winter time - snotty noses, coughing here and there, but no fever. I don't typically worry about colds, unless the coughing gets out of hand. We just plug in the humidifiers, push the fluids, and continue to count the days until spring.
Unfortunately, though, this time Baby Andrew has also fallen prey to the cold. I decided that he should be seen by the pediatrician, since he is just seven weeks old - better to be safe than sorry! He has not had a fever, but he's got the lovely cough that his siblings undoubtedly shared with him. He tested positive for RSV, which is quite common at this time of year, and not really so dangerous for Andrew. Of course, it could become an issue should he begin having more respitory symptoms, but for now his lungs sound very clear. He sounds so pitiful when he coughs, though, and it just about kills me to know that he isn't feeling well. Since the big kids were both born in July, I've never had a teeny-tiny baby during cold and flu season.
My bigger concern was that Alex's surgery would be cancelled, but I was advised by the ENT's office to keep the appointment and let the doctors make the final call on Monday morning. As much as I dread the procedure, I really hope we don't have to delay it. Mark and I both have visions of a happier, healthier Alex once he has his new ear tubes and gets rid of his adenoids (which the ENT blames for all the nasty ear infections). For now, I'm trying to keep a positive outlook and not think about the possibility of having to reschedule everything...
truths for mature people.....
14 years ago
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